Plagiarism Policy

Majalah Info Sains put a great concern on plagiarism.  The journal recognizes that plagiarism is not acceptable and therefore establishes the following policy.  Following the guidance of plagiarism policy  by Kemenristekdikti, below are some practices considered as plagiarism

  1. Referring to and / or quoting terms, words and / or sentences, data and or information from a source without mentioning it the source in the quotation note and / or without stating adequate sources;
  2. Referring to and / or randomly quoting terms, words and / or data sentences and / or information from a source without mentioning the source in the quotation note and or without adequately stating the source;
  3. Using sources of ideas, opinions, views, or theories without adequately stating the source;
  4. Formulate with own words and or sentences from source of words and / or sentences, ideas, opinions, views, or theories without stating their sources adequate; and
  5. Submit a scientific work that is produced and / or has been published by other parties as scientific work without state the source adequately.